
Create a Provider

A Provider is used to generate data.

Example of a provider generating random data:

from random import randint, uniform
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

from estrade import Tick, Provider

class RandomProvider(Provider):

    def generate(self):
        This method generate estrade.Tick from random data and feed them to the estrade.Market.
        The estrade.Market will later :
            - dispatch them to its candle sets to build candles, indicators etc.
            - dispatch them to strategies to open/close trades
        tick_value = 1000
        current = datetime.now() 
        end = current + timedelta(hours=6)
        while current < end:
            # generate nez tick value and date
            tick_value = tick_value + round(uniform(-10, 10), 2)
            # increment current time of few seconds
            current = current + timedelta(seconds=randint(1, 5))

            # build a new estrade.Tick
            tick = Tick(
                bid=(tick_value - 1),
                ask=(tick_value + 1)

            # dispatch tick to market

Create a Strategy

Define strategy(ies) to apply on your data.

A strategy defines when to open and close trades. It could be applied :

  • on every tick
  • on candle open

Example of a strategy that randomly open and close trades on every tick.

from random import choice, randint

from estrade import Strategy

class RandomStrategy(Strategy):
    This strategy randomly open/close trades on every tick between 10am and 11am
    random_factor = 1000

    def check_tick_time(self, tick):
        Only run strategy between 10h and 11H
        if 10 <= tick.datetime.hour < 11:
            return True
        return False

    def on_new_tick_opening_strategy(self, tick):
        This method is called for every tick of every Epic attached to Strategy
        when the number of open trades is inferior to the Strategy.max_concurrent_trades  

        :param tick: instance of estrade.Tick
        r = randint(0, self.random_factor)
        if r == 0:
            # open a new trade (see estrade.Trade)
                epic=tick.epic.ref, # for the tick epic
                direction=choice([-1, 1]),  # direction of -1 = SELL, 1 = BUY

    def on_new_tick_closing_strategy(self, tick):
        This method is called for every tick received by strategy. Its purpose is to close 
        open trades.
        Note: this method is called BEFORE the `on_new_tick_opening_strategy`

        r = randint(0, self.random_factor)
        if r == 0:
            # close all trades opened for this strategy

Wrap up and Run

The following example is a minimal definition to run the above strategy against the above provider.

from estrade import Epic, Market, ReportingCSV

# import your strategy and provider defined above
from samples.providers.random import RandomProvider
from samples.strategies.random import RandomStrategy

# create your epic
my_epic = Epic(ref='MY_EPIC1')

# build instance of your strategy
strategy = RandomStrategy(epics=[my_epic])

# build instance of your provider
provider = RandomProvider()

# define your reporting
reporting = ReportingCSV()

# build a market instance
market = Market(
# run market

After execution, the estrade.ReportingCSV will create a report folder with the detailed results.

Next steps

  • Add candle sets to your epics estrade.CandleSet to be able to use candles details in your strategy
  • Add indicators